We are fitness and wellness educators dedicated to improving movement to optimize muscle recovery.
Our mission is to provide best-in-class muscle recovery products and top-flight education to help you succeed with your fitness, performance, and recovery goals.
Just about everybody can benefit from NIMBL. Our goal is to improve movement by providing superior muscle recovery tools and products.
NIMBL's percussion guns help improve overall fitness and wellness. NIMBL helps pre-activity with proper muscle activation for each exercise, and post-activity to ensure muscles have proper blood flow.
Physical therapists turn to NIMBL percussion tools to help increase muscle blood flow and reduce discomfort.
"You just can’t replace the NIMBL or the stimulus it gives athletes in the area of tissue regeneration and performance priming."
Dr. Matt Rhea Director of Sports Science
University of Alabama Football

Learn about the TIME setting on NIMBL with Jeremy Strom and what is best for which settings and applciations.
Learn about the SPEED setting on NIMBL with Jeremy Strom and when you should be choosing each speed and its purpose.
Learn about applying PRESSURE using NIMBL with Jeremy Strom and learn about how to use your NIMBL to work safely and effectively with your body.